Kerrie Woodhouse

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The Wonderful World of Online Art Classes

I joined Jane Davenport's glorious school for creative souls, a while ago. I am so pleased that I have found Lovely Jane. Mostly I was so pleased to have found other people like me - all wanting to learn to draw but not really knowing how or where to start. I signed up to the Draw Happy Workshop and never looked back.

Watching Lovely Jane's fun videos in this introductory workshop and doodling away this little face appeared. I know its a funny little quick sketch, but it was a bit of an 'aha' moment for me. Everything seemed a bit easier, more possible and much more fun. As soon as I saw this little face staring at me I signed up to Jane's next class, Supplies Me, to learn more, and have been taking online classes ever since.

That was over a year ago, but it was the beginning for me. This year I have joined Lifebook 2014 and I am so excited about it! Seems like a jolly good way to help me put regular hours into my 10 000 hour endeavour. Will post my first week's work for Lifebook next.