Kerrie Woodhouse

Whimsical Watercolour

art tips

What art supplies are best for beginners?

art tipsKerrie Woodhouse

What makes good art supplies? It’s such a loaded question. Good on what level?

Figuring out what art supplies are best can be a bit of a minefield, especially for beginners!

Do a bit of research and you are sure to find plenty of contradictory opinions. So let’s ignore those and figure out which art supplies are going to be best for you.

Do You Need to Stretch Watercolour Paper?

art tipsKerrie Woodhouse

There are a lot of ‘rules’ that you hear about watercolor painting and they are just the sort of thing that can intimidate the beginner and even completely discourage them from even attempting watercolor painting. Stretching the paper is definitely at the top of this list for me.

Here’s what you need to know …

How to Set Up a Watercolour Palette

art tipsKerrie Woodhouse

If you are new to watercolour and looking at setting up your paints and palette you may have already discovered so many types of palette available that it makes for a daunting choice!

Let’s break it down and make it simple, shall we?

Here are my thoughts on each of the types of palette available for your watercolours and my advice on how to set up your palette.

Line and Wash Watercolour Technique

art tipsKerrie Woodhouse

Line and wash is a watercolour technique that combines a line drawing with a watercolour painting. Since a lot of the structure of the painting is established by the line drawing itself, often all that is needed from the paint is a little wash of colour - hence the name, line and wash.

Let me show you the sort of effects you can get with line and wash watercolour techniques - yes, there are videos! 🍿🎥

I’ll also tell you about my favourite pens to use in line and wash paintings and explain why line and wash can be a great watercolour technique for beginners.