Kerrie Woodhouse

Whimsical Watercolour


Meilang Watercolour Set of 36 - Affordable AND Quality?

art tipsKerrie Woodhouse

Looking for affordable watercolour paints that deliver professional results? Aren’t we all!

I just received a Meilang set of 36 Watercolour Tubes to review. I’ve been very curious to see how they compare to my existing palette of paints from renowned brands.

I want to know whether investing in expensive paints is truly necessary and I’m hoping to find some substitutes for beloved colours within this affordable set of watercolours.

You too? Well let’s dive in then!

Do You Need to Stretch Watercolour Paper?

art tipsKerrie Woodhouse

There are a lot of ‘rules’ that you hear about watercolor painting and they are just the sort of thing that can intimidate the beginner and even completely discourage them from even attempting watercolor painting. Stretching the paper is definitely at the top of this list for me.

Here’s what you need to know …