Kerrie Woodhouse

Whimsical Watercolour

Not everything you create is a masterpiece

My art journeyphoenixarttally

Jane Davenport says ...

Not everything you create is a masterpiece - love it anyway.

Well, today I got a chance to try and do that.

Here she is Flower Face No 3...


One of the joys of mixed media is that you have unlimited options when it comes to 'improving' your painting. I think I used nearly everything today...


We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to be producing work we like.  But the truth is that producing something you love every time you sit down is unrealistic.  Ira Glass explained it for us - that it is the gap between what our good taste wants to see and what our hands are able to make as beginners. You know the one?... this one...

Explore more of the Flower Faces Series